Creates or mutates a GitLab project.
property | type | description |
version | string, required | Version of Frigg to use. Should be 1 . |
kind | GitlabProject , required | Kind of resource you want to specify |
metadata | object, required | Data used by Frigg internally | | string, required | Name used to reference this resource from other resources |
metadata.configDefaults | string, required | Name of the GitlabDefaults resource to use to resolve default configuration. | | number, optional | Numeric ID of the Gitlab project. Specify this when you want to start managing an already existing project using Frigg. |
spec | object, required | State you want the resource to have | | string, required | Name of the project in GitLab | | string, required | Name of the parent group |
spec.config | GitlabProjectConfig, optional | Leave undefined if you want to fully use configDefaults.projectConfig instead. |
spec.approvalsConfig | GitlabApprovalsConfig, optional | Leave undefined if you want to fully use configDefaults.approvalsConfig instead. |
spec.approvalRules | GitlabApprovalRule array, optional | Leave undefined if you want to fully use configDefaults.approvalRules instead. |
spec.pushRules | GitlabPushRule, optional | Leave undefined if you want to fully use configDefaults.pushRules instead. |
spec.protectedBranches | GitlabProtectedBranch array, optional | Leave undefined if you want to fully use configDefaults.protectedBranches instead. |
spec.members | GitlabMember array, optional | Array containing the group’s members. |
spec.sharedWithGroups | SharedWithGroup array, optional | Array containing the groups that this group is shared with. |
All properties are optional. Any undefined properties will default to the specified configDefaults.projectConfig
of the referenced GitlabDefaults.
For detailed info about the properties, please reference GitLab’s documentation.
property | type |
allowMergeOnSkippedPipeline | boolean, optional |
allowPipelineTriggerApproveDeployment | boolean, optional |
analyticsAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
autoCancelPendingPipelines | enabled | disabled , optional |
autoDevopsDeployStrategy | continuous | manual | timed_incremental , optional |
autoDevopsEnabled | boolean, optional |
autocloseReferencedIssues | boolean, optional |
buildGitStrategy | string, optional |
buildTimeout | number, optional |
buildsAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
ciAllowForkPipelinesToRunInParentProject | boolean, optional |
ciConfigPath | string, optional |
ciDefaultGitDepth | number, optional |
ciForwardDeploymentEnabled | boolean, optional |
ciSeparatedCaches | boolean, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes | object, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes.cadence | string, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes.enabled | boolean, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes.keepN | number, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes.nameRegexDelete | string, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes.nameRegexKeep | string, optional |
containerExpirationPolicyAttributes.nameRegexKeep | olderThan, optional |
containerRegistryAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
defaultBranch | string, optional |
description | string, optional |
emailsEnabled | boolean, optional |
enforceAuthChecksOnUploads | boolean, optional |
externalAuthorizationClassificationLabel | string, optional |
featureFlagsAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
forkingAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
groupRunnersEnabled | boolean, optional |
infrastructureAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
issueBranchTemplate | string, optional |
issuesAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
issuesTemplate | string, optional |
keepLatestArtifact | boolean, optional |
lfsEnabled | boolean, optional |
mergeCommitTemplate | string, optional |
mergeMethod | merge | rebase_merge | ff , optional |
mergePipelinesEnabled | boolean, optional |
mergeRequestsAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
mergeRequestsTemplate | string, optional |
mergeTrainsEnabled | boolean, optional |
mirror | boolean, optional |
monitorAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
onlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved | boolean, optional |
onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds | boolean, optional |
packagesEnabled | boolean, optional |
pagesAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled | public , optional |
printingMergeRequestLinkEnabled | boolean, optional |
releasesAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
removeSourceBranchAfterMerge | boolean, optional |
repositoryAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
requestAccessEnabled | boolean, optional |
requirementsAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
resolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions | boolean, optional |
restrictUserDefinedVariables | boolean, optional |
securityAndComplianceAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
serviceDeskEnabled | boolean, optional |
sharedRunnersEnabled | boolean, optional |
snippetsAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
squashCommitTemplate | string, optional |
squashOption | never | always | default_on | default_off , optional |
suggestionCommitMessage | string, optional |
topics | string array, optional |
visibility | public | internal | private , optional |
wikiAccessLevel | disabled | private | enabled , optional |
All properties are optional. Any undefined properties will default to the specified configDefaults.approvalsConfig
of the referenced GitlabDefaults.
For detailed info about the properties, please reference GitLab’s documentation.
property | type |
resetApprovalsOnPush | boolean, optional |
disableOverridingApproversPerMergeRequest | boolean, optional |
mergeRequestsAuthorApproval | boolean, optional |
mergeRequestsDisableCommittersApproval | boolean, optional |
requirePasswordToApprove | boolean, optional |
Only if the project’s spec.approvalRules
entire array is left undefined will the configDefaults.approvalsConfig
of the referenced GitlabDefaults be used.
For detailed info about the properties, please reference GitLab’s documentation.
property | type |
name | string, required |
approvalsRequired | number, required |
ruleType | any_approval | regular | report_approver , required |
appliesToAllProtectedBranches | boolean, required |
usernames | string array, optional |
groupIds | string array, optional |
protectedBranchIds | number array, required when appliesToAllProtectedBranches=false |
reportType | report_approver | code_coverage , optional |
All properties are optional. Any undefined properties will default to the specified configDefaults.pushRules
of the referenced GitlabDefaults.
For detailed info about the properties, please reference GitLab’s documentation.
Property | Type |
authorEmailRegex | string, optional |
branchNameRegex | string, optional |
commitMessageRegex | string, optional |
commitMessageNegativeRegex | string, optional (Due to a known issue, this parameter does not work properly, which is currently being worked on) |
denyDeleteTag | boolean, optional |
fileNameRegex | string, optional |
maxFileSize | number, optional |
memberCheck | boolean, optional |
preventSecrets | boolean, optional |
commitCommitterCheck | boolean, optional |
rejectUnsignedCommits | boolean, optional |
Only if the project’s spec.protectedBranches
entire array is left undefined will the configDefaults.protectedBranches
of the referenced GitlabDefaults be used.
For detailed info about the properties, please reference GitLab’s documentation.
property | type |
name | string, required |
allowForcePush | boolean, required |
codeOwnerApprovalRequired | boolean, required |
mergeAccessLevels | no_one | developer | maintainer , nullable |
pushAccessLevels | no_one | developer | maintainer , nullable |
unprotectedAccessLevels | no_one | developer | maintainer , nullable |
property | type | description |
name | string, required | Name of the user in the Users resource. |
accessLevel | no_access | minimal_access | guest | reporter | developer | maintainer | owner , required | The access level of the user. |
property | type | description |
name | string, required | Metadata name of the group you want to share this group with. |
accessLevel | no_access | minimal_access | guest | reporter | developer | maintainer | owner , required | The access level of the group. |
The following example includes all possible properties for GitlabGroupConfig and GitlabApprovalsConfig. Furthermore, an example GitlabApprovalRule array is included.
version: '1'
kind: GitlabProject
name: example_project
configDefaults: GitlabDefaults
name: Example Project
group: example_group
allowMergeOnSkippedPipeline: false
allowPipelineTriggerApproveDeployment: false
analyticsAccessLevel: enabled
autoCancelPendingPipelines: enabled
autoDevopsDeployStrategy: continuous
autoDevopsEnabled: false
autocloseReferencedIssues: true
buildGitStrategy: fetch
buildTimeout: 3600
buildsAccessLevel: enabled
ciAllowForkPipelinesToRunInParentProject: true
ciConfigPath: ''
ciDefaultGitDepth: 20
ciForwardDeploymentEnabled: true
ciSeparatedCaches: true
cadence: 1d
enabled: false
keepN: 10
nameRegexDelete: .*
nameRegexKeep: ''
olderThan: 90d
containerRegistryAccessLevel: enabled
defaultBranch: main
description: ''
emailsEnabled: false
enforceAuthChecksOnUploads: true
externalAuthorizationClassificationLabel: ''
featureFlagsAccessLevel: enabled
forkingAccessLevel: enabled
groupRunnersEnabled: true
infrastructureAccessLevel: enabled
issueBranchTemplate: ''
issuesAccessLevel: enabled
issuesTemplate: ''
keepLatestArtifact: true
lfsEnabled: true
mergeCommitTemplate: ''
mergeMethod: ff
mergePipelinesEnabled: true
mergeRequestsAccessLevel: private
mergeRequestsTemplate: ''
mergeTrainsEnabled: false
mirror: false
monitorAccessLevel: enabled
onlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved: true
onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds: true
packagesEnabled: true
pagesAccessLevel: private
printingMergeRequestLinkEnabled: true
releasesAccessLevel: enabled
removeSourceBranchAfterMerge: true
repositoryAccessLevel: enabled
requestAccessEnabled: false
requirementsAccessLevel: enabled
resolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions: false
restrictUserDefinedVariables: false
securityAndComplianceAccessLevel: private
serviceDeskEnabled: true
sharedRunnersEnabled: true
snippetsAccessLevel: disabled
squashCommitTemplate: ''
squashOption: default_off
suggestionCommitMessage: ''
topics: []
visibility: private
wikiAccessLevel: disabled
disableOverridingApproversPerMergeRequest: false
mergeRequestsAuthorApproval: false
mergeRequestsDisableCommittersApproval: false
requirePasswordToApprove: false
resetApprovalsOnPush: true
- name: Approval rule
appliesToAllProtectedBranches: false
approvalsRequired: 1
groupIds: []
protectedBranchIds: []
ruleType: any_approver
usernames: []
- name: main
allowForcePush: false
codeOwnerApprovalRequired: false
- maintainer
- maintainer
unprotectedAccessLevels: []
- name: alice.johnson
accessLevel: maintainer
- name: erik.klein
accessLevel: developer
- name: another_example_group
accessLevel: developer